In an effort to reduce traffic and greenhouse gases, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced a controversial plan to charge motorists who use the most congested parts of the city, reports Associated Press. Bloomberg introduced the bill as part of his plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the state 30 percent by 2030. If passed, the bill would charge cars $8 and trucks $21 to enter Manhattan south of 86th Street on weekdays between 6 am and 6 pm. The bill initially provoked massive opposition from the American Trucking Association. ATA President Bill Graves rejected the idea that a toll would significantly reduce traffic, and pointed out that drivers already pay taxes to use the roads. In response, Bloomberg amended the act so that EPA-mandated trucks with smog-free engines would pay only $7, according to the report. The bill has also caused some lawmakers to worry if the mass transit system can handle a large increase in traffic. By itself, statewide voters opposed the bill 52 percent to 31 percent. However, they approved the mayor’s idea 51 percent to 36 percent if tolls and mass transit fares remained constant. The bill may be considered in July by the state legislature.