In metropolitan areas across the country, Verizon is employing one hundred Toyota Prius hybrid sedans to replace gasoline-powered vehicles in Verizon's fleet, for an estimated annual reduction in carbon emissions of 2.63 metric tons per vehicle. Last year, Verizon began using 13 specially designed service vans with environmentally friendly hybrid-engine systems in Maryland and Texas. Verizon worked closely with a company that specializes in hybrid-power systems, and it retrofitted the new vehicles to Verizon's specifications. According to Verizon, its commitment to green energy practices includes pursuing network equipment and building energy-reduction initiatives; using alternative energy sources in the network, buildings and vehicle fleet and promoting the company's technology as an alternative to travel, among other efforts. Other examples are in New Jersey and Texas, where Verizon has trialed the use of 20 percent bio-diesel fuel to power service vehicles. Also in those two states, Verizon has been using environmentally friendly lubricants made from vegetable oils as part of the process to cut sections of fiber-optic cable where the company is installing and maintaining its digital all-fiber-optic FiOS services.